Following your dreams and planning ahead

Agrifos Business Services Limited is company based in Zambia and was established in 2002. The company was founded by Gilbert Mashikolo, the current CEO.

The business started off in agribusiness, by providing warehouse management services coupled with fumigation services. In 2005, it ventured into haulage and logistics. Other business interests included supply of various goods and services to the mining sector on the Copperbelt, with a branch in Kitwe.

Like any other business it’s important to find your niche market. This is why in 2014, we decided focus mainly on Agribusiness and in addition to that, in 2023 we opted to venture into agro-dealership, working with the local farmers in providing agricultural inputs and related services.

How did you start your business?

Basically, I always dreamed of owning a business from my late teenage years. I had spent my time to learn and acquire the right knowledge and skills by entering a course in accountancy and business studies. Upon getting a job as a bookkeeper, I gave myself a 5-year timeline to be in formal employment for the purpose of gaining experience and exposure in business. By God’s will, I was fortunate the company I had worked for was an international company that was based in South Africa. I enjoyed my work and was truly inspired by our then group chairman in never giving up and being resilient. My interest in agribusiness started when I was appointed in a new role to head the grain trading department… Like they say, the rest is history.

What is your favourite memory from your business?

They are many, but my favourite was sitting in my own office in the industrial area of Lusaka waiting for the first business phone call to come through. After a few weeks of waiting, I jumped with excitement upon receiving that first business call and it gave me an assurance that at least one customer made the effort to contact us.

Which milestone are you proud of having reached?

Our outstanding performance between the period of 2002 to 2008 upon being awarded a contract in providing warehouse management services to the national Food Reserve Agency (FRA). We handled in and out, over 100,000 metric tons of maize grain on behalf of the agency.

What is an important lesson you have learned in business?

To be a people-centered person and add value wherever possible, with an open heart and mind, because we are always learning.

What are your dreams for the future?

Let’s wait and see. My ambitions include leaving a strong legacy on which my family can build on for years to come. And if I can inspire others on my journey as an entrepreneur… that’s a plus.


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